Aesthetic Surgery
Breast Reduction and Lift, Otoplasty, Abdominoplasty, Rhinoplasty, Liposuction, Gynecomastia and more

Reconstructive Surgery
Trauma Injuries and Chronic Wounds, Skin Cancer Removal or Repair, Management of Chronic Wounds

Breast Surgery
Oncoplastic Breast Surgery, Lumpectomy, Mastectomy, Breast Benign Disease, Sentinel Node Biopsy

Hand Surgery
Our surgeons are experienced in treating Hand Disease and Hand Trauma reconstructive procedures

General Surgery
Hernias, Gall Bladder Surgery, Colonoscopy, Gastroscopy, Thyroid Surgery, and Bowel Surgery
Aesthetic Surgery
We understand the importance of looking and feeling your best self. Whether it’s related to fluctuating weight, inherited features, trauma or ageing, insecurities are extremely personal and sensitive aspects of our lives. Fortunately, there is a range of aesthetic procedures available and our experienced surgeons are here to help you.
What is a breast reduction surgery? Dr Assad Bangash explains further below.
You know what it’s like to live with uncomfortably large breasts – the shoulder and neck pain, the difficulty in exercising, finding the right clothes and last but not the least, the discerning stares. Having breasts that are just too large for your frame affects your life in so many ways. When you’re ready to make a change for the better, you have an exciting new option.
In the below video, Dr Assad Bangash answers the questions surrounding the process for a breast reduction patient.
Age, significant weight fluctuation, and having children considerably affects skin and soft tissue laxity leading breasts to sag out of proportion with the rest of the body.
What is body contouring and when is Abdominoplasty considered a suitable treatment? Dr Assad Bangash explains more in the above video.
You’ve worked hard to lose weight and to improve your muscle tone through diet, exercise programs and surgery. But when you have reached your desired weight but not your desired shape, it may be time to consider a tummy tuck.
What is a patient journey for body contouring? Dr Assad Bangash takes us through the process for this procedure in the above video.
When people lose significant amounts of body weight they are often, still troubled by excess skin. This can make it harder to fit into clothes and even cause mobility problems. Also, recurring infections often occur in the skin folds. Body contouring or reshaping surgery may significantly improve your comfort and quality of life. It can be performed on the abdomen, flanks and buttocks, breasts and back, inner thighs and arms. There are a many different types of body contouring procedures available, and operations need to be tailored to suit individual needs and expectations.
For the millions of us who diet and work out regularly, but still don’t see the results they want, there is hope with a plastic surgery procedure called liposculpturing.
Ear “set-back” surgery, also known as otoplasty, is a procedure that changes the angle and shape of protruding or uneven ears in children and adults.
• Correction of Prominent Ear
• Ear Lobe Reduction
One of the most common procedures performed for people who are unhappy with wrinkled, sagging skin on the forehead is a brow lift. It is a highly recommended procedure for people with issues of visual field impairment due to sagging forehead muscles and “bunching up” of upper eyelid skin.
Your eyes are one of your most expressive features, helping you communicate without words. But if your eyes appear tired, aged, or even angry, they may be giving others the wrong impression. Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) patients reduce under-eye puffiness, lift drooping lids, and soften wrinkles in a way that looks natural, not “worked on”. This results in a more attractive appearance that better reflects how you feel – happy, youthful, and confident.
A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy or rhytidoplasty, is a surgical procedure that tightens and removes sagging skin on the face and neck. Facial muscles may be surgically tightened to improve their tone. Excess fat may also be removed or repositioned and muscles tightened as part of the neck surgery.
This surgery is planned to change the form and function of the nose. Nasal deformities can develop due to trauma or can be present from birth. This can have subtle effects on breathing and self-image. This procedure is designed to change the appearance of the nose, improve breathing or both.
In the above video, Dr Assad Bangash discusses what Gynecomastia or ‘Male Breast Reduction’ is and the patient journey of this treatment.
As a man with feminine-looking breasts, you’re not alone. Gynecomastia is a medical term derived from the Greek words for, “woman-like breasts,” and it affects many men. Enlarged breasts can be permanent, uncomfortable, and socially and psychologically devastating. However, they can be removed through male breast reduction surgery.
Reconstructive Surgery
Our surgeons are experienced in a wide variety of reconstructive procedures. Learn more about how we are able to help our patients with trauma injuries, congenital deformities, and the repair or removal of skin cancers.
We specialise in wide range of skin cancers including Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Melanoma, and other soft tissue malignancies like Merkel Cell Carcinoma and Sarcoma.
We perform Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (SLNB) procedures in high risk Melanoma to evaluate the lymph node involvement.
We offer exclusive expertise in 3-dimensional reconstruction of head and neck regions such as nose, lips, peri-orbita, ears and facial contours, as a part of our philosophy of restoration of Form and Function of this highly important and complex region.
Our practice offers special interest in the management of wounds like chronic wounds like lower limb ulcers, pressure sores.
We have special interest in management of hand injuries and soft tissue reconstruction of upper and lower limbs. The spectrum of hand injuries include tendon injuries, nerve repairs, fracture management and soft tissue reconstruction.
Breast Surgery
Oncoplastic surgery is a selection of surgical procedures that combine cancer removal with efforts to preserve or improve breast appearance after surgery.
Oncoplastic surgery includes complete full-thickness closure of the lumpectomy-related cavity, to prevent depressions distorting scars from developing in the breast after cancer removal.
More complex oncoplastic surgery procedures also include breast cancer surgery combined with breast reduction or breast lifts of both breasts to improve breast appearance and symmetry.
Oncoplastic surgery requires specialized training and is not widely performed by Breast Surgeons.
Dr. Davarpanah is a trained Breast Surgeon from UK and perform complex oncoplastic surgery with Plastic Surgeon Dr Bangash to achieve best aesthetic result as well as oncological outcome.
What is a breast lumpectomy? Dr Nasrin Davarpanah explains further.
Lumpectomy is the surgical procedure in which only a part of the breast is removed to eliminate a breast cancer.
Lumpectomy is different than mastectomy, which involves removal of the entire breast. In addition to removing the breast cancer, lumpectomy also requires removal of a narrow rim of healthy tissue surrounding the cancer to ensure that the entire cancer has been completely removed. We call this extra rim of normal tissue a “clear” margin. Another name for a lumpectomy is “partial mastectomy.” Lumpectomy usually requires radiation of the breast to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence in the remaining treatment.
Whenever possible, Dr. Davarpanah makes lumpectomy incisions in discrete areas of the breast so that the incisions are not obvious. This includes incisions at the edge of the areola, in the armpit or the natural skin crease under the breasts.
Dr Nasrin Davarpanah defines what a Mastectomy is and when they may a be considered treatment option.
A mastectomy is an operation that removes the entire breast tissue. Mastectomy, which was the original surgery offered for breast cancer, is an effective way to obtain local control of many breast cancers, but it comes at the cost of losing the breast.
Breast Self Examination: Read More >> ( Link 1 Link2 )
• Nipple discharge:
• Opathic Granulomatous Mastitis:
• Zuska’s Disease (a nipple infection):
• Breast Abscess:
• Mastitis:
• Fibroadenoma:
• Fibrocystic change:
For any information about Breast disease/surgery please use the following link: breast360.org
Breast360.org is an innovative patient-centered website dedicated to informing patients, caregivers, and the general public on all matters pertaining to breast health. Designed to engage, educate, and empower patients, caregivers and families so they will be better able to make informed decisions about breast health care, the website is a comprehensive resource for reliable information written solely by breast surgeons and collaborating experts.
One of the pieces of information needed by your doctor, so that he or she can “stage” a breast cancer, is whether or not the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, or glands, underneath the arm.
Those lymph nodes are a component of your body’s lymphatic system, which helps your body fight infection as well as removing toxins and debris. The lymphatic channels are the system’s “streams” and “rivers” that drain into the lymph nodes, or its “lake.” Cancer cells from a breast cancer can break off and travel through the lymphatic channels into lymph nodes.
What is Axillary Node Clearance and when is this typically performed? Dr Nasrin Davarpanah explains in the above video.
An axillary seroma may feel like a soft lump under the arm on the side of axillary surgery. If it is larger, it may show up as a bulge in the armpit. Your surgeon can diagnose a seroma by examining you and if needed by using ultrasound. Axillary seromas can be treated with aspiration (removing the fluid with a needle) or by placing a drain into the seroma. Small seromas may resolve on their own.
Hand Surgery
We offer a wide range of surgery in elective and emergency surgeries of the hand.
On the elective side, we offer surgery:
• Nerve entrapment including Carpal Tunnel and Cubital Tunnel Syndromes
• Tendon entrapment at the wrist like de Quervain’s Tendonitis
• Wrist and digital Ganglia
• Dupuytren’s Disease
• Paediatric Hand Conditions including Syndactyly, and soft tissue tumours.
In trauma, we offer management of
• tendon injuries
• neuro-vascular injuries
• digital replantation
• soft tissue reconstruction
We have a very supporting team of hand therapists in postoperative wound care and hand rehabilitation.
We perform Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (SLNB) procedures in high risk Melanoma to evaluate the lymph node involvement.
General Surgery
A hernia occurs when tissues or organs bulge through a weak point in the wall of the abdomen (belly muscles). Some hernias are there at birth. Some occur after surgery. Other times, weaknesses develop in the muscles of the abdomen over time and eventually ‘give out’, causing a hernia.
Gallstones are a common problem. An operation to remove your gallbladder should result in you being free of pain and able to eat a normal diet. Gallstones are ‘stones’ that form in your gallbladder. They are common and can run in families. The risk of developing gallstones increases as you get older and if you eat a diet rich in fat. For some people gallstones can cause severe symptoms, with repeated attacks of abdominal pain being the most common.
A colonoscopy is a procedure during which a flexible tube, known as a colonoscope, is inserted into the anus and through the rectum so it can view the inside of the large bowel (the colon). This tube transmits images to a screen where signs of a medical condition can be seen.
Hemorrhoids are a common condition, affecting more than 3 million people each year. Everyone has some hemorrhoids, the cloud-like clusters of veins that lie just beneath the mucous membranes lining the lowest part of the rectum and the anus. The abnormal condition commonly known as hemorrhoids (or piles) develops when those veins become swollen and inflamed. Hemorrhoids may result from straining during bowel movements or from the severe pressure during pregnancy, among other things. Hemorrhoids may be located inside the rectum, known as internal hemorrhoids, or they may develop under the skin around the anus (external hemorrhoids).
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of person’s neck, just below the Adam’s apple. It produces the hormone thyroxine which controls the body’s metabolism (for example, weight, heart rate, temperature and growth). The removal of part of the thyroid gland is called a partial thyroidectomy or hemithyroidectomy and the removal of the entire gland is called a total thyroidectomy.
Our practice offers management of acute surgical emergencies such as
• acute appendicitis
• acute Cholecystitis
• bowel obstruction
• incarcerated hernia
and many others.
A hemicolectomy is an operation where one section of the colon (large intestine) is removed. Some people who have this surgery may need a stoma – an opening on the surface of the tummy connected to the bowel.
The usual reasons for hemicolectomy are
• Bowel Cancer
• Polyps
• Diverticulitis
• Inflammatory Bowel Disease
• Abdominal Injury
Not Sure What You Need?
Simply give us a call and book an appointment for yourself. Click below and contact our practice to arrange a consultation time to go through your treatment options. We are here to help.