Our Surgeons
At Cutting Edge Surgery Toowoomba, we focus on Patient Care
Our surgeons believe in the cardinal principles of Informed Consent, Clinical Governance and a Structured Care Plan, individualised to the clinical issues of the patient.
Our consultation process underpins consultant-led multi-disciplinary clinical management for complex clinical issues with multi-level risk assessment and evaluation and tailoring of management options.

Dr. Assad Bangash
Dr. Assad Bangash is a plastic, reconstructive, aesthetic and hand surgeon. He has a wide range of experience in plastic surgery. He was trained in Britain and has experience of over 25 years in this field.
For the last nine years, he has been working in Australia and offering a wide range of expertise in plastic and reconstructive surgery.
He is holder of fellowship in plastic surgery from Royal College of Surgeon Edinburgh and Royal Australasian College of surgeons.
Dr Assad Bangash (MED0001654645) is a registered medical practitioner, Specialist Plastic Surgeon (specialist registration in Surgery – Plastic Surgery).
Dr. Nasrin Davarpanah
Dr. Nasrin Davarpanah is a general surgeon with special interest in Breast Surgery. She has a wide range of surgical experiences spanning over 20 years in various countries.
Dr. Dvarpanah completed her training in Breast Oncoplastic and General Surgery in UK and obtained her fellowship in Breast and General surgery in Royal College of Surgeon Edinburgh in 2010.
She underwent further training in general surgery in Australia and obtained her fellowship in general surgery from Royal Australasian College of surgeons in 2016.
Dr Nasrin Davarpanah (MED0001704478) is a registered medical practitioner and Surgeon (specialist registration in General Surgery).

Get to know
Our Surgeons
Dr Assad Bangash introduces himself and his expertise
Dr Nasrin Davarpanah introduces herself and her area of medicine
What makes the Cutting Edge Surgery Toowoomba practice unique?
Dr Nasrin Davarpanah discusses where she performs Breast Cancer Surgery
Call Today
(07) 4646 3280
St Andrew's Hospital, Suite 16, Ground Floor
280 North Street, Toowoomba, QLD, 4350